WMHD Radio is a student run radio that offers online music, equipment rentals & DJ services for Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology community. Our studio is located in the basement of BSB hall, room 032.
WMHD Online Radio has general club meetings every Wednesday at 7 PM in the basement of BSB, room 032. In these meetings we discuss/listen to music, plan events, stream live radio shows, and also run workshops on things like DJing, equipment setup, and the recording process.
We have four main rooms in BSB basement: the Broadcasting Room (BSB032), Recording Studio (BSB030), Podcasting Studio (BSB028), and Music Lounge (BSB022). We also have a storage room for our hundreds of CDs and records and equipment. We have one of the largest spaces on campus for a club and we strive to make them available to campus. Come hang out in them! Every Rose-Hulman student is welcome to use the rooms. See Services for information about using the recording studio and the podcasting studio. The hours that the radio is open weekly are posted below.